New posts in proof-writing

Show $a\Bbb Z+b\Bbb Z = \gcd(a,b)\Bbb Z$

Why do proof authors use natural language sentences to write proofs?

How to attack "if true, prove it; if not true, give a counterexample" question?

How do I make proofs with long formulae more readable without sacrificing clarity?

how to prove $f^{-1}(B_1 \cap B_2) = f^{-1}(B_1) \cap f^{-1}(B_2)$

Prove that $1^2+2^2+\cdots+n^2=\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$ for $n \in \mathbb{N}$.

What is the integral of 0?

What really is mathematical rigor? How can I be more rigorous?

The 'Factorialth Root'

Level of Rigor in Mathematical Physics

Sum of cubes proof [duplicate]

Why do we write proofs "forward?"

Show that if $g \circ f$ is injective, then so is $f$.

Logarithm proof problem: $a^{\log_b c} = c^{\log_b a}$

When working proof exercises from a textbook with no solutions manual, how do you know when your proof is sound/acceptable?

Is this a new method for finding powers?

Limit of $(1+ x/n)^n$ when $n$ tends to infinity [duplicate]

Exercise 19, Section 17 of Munkres’ Topology

Prove: If $A$ and $B$ are closed subsets of $[0,\Omega]$ then at least $A$ or $B$ is bounded

Systems of linear equations: Why does no one plug back in?