New posts in proof-writing

Proof by induction that $ \sum_{i=1}^n 3i-2 = \frac{n(3n-1)}{2} $ [closed]

Vector spaces - Multiplying by zero scalar yields zero vector

Difference between $\implies$ and $\;\therefore\;\;$?

Proof of Wolstenholme's theorem

English words in written mathematics

Explain proof that any positive definite matrix is invertible

Why don't Venn diagrams count as formal proofs?

Orthogonality of Row A and Nul A and vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n$

Proof for triangle inequality for vectors

Proving the Apollonian circle formula

Proving by strong induction that $\forall n \ge 2, \;\forall d \ge 2 : d \mid n(n+1)(n+2)...(n+d-1) $

Prove that $(a-b) \mid (a^n-b^n)$ [duplicate]

Show that lcm$(a,b)= ab$ if and only if gcd$(a,b)=1$

Prove that $\mathcal{P}(A)⊆ \mathcal{P}(B)$ if and only if $A⊆B$. [duplicate]

What is the proof that covariance matrices are always semi-definite?

Should a mathematical proof be 'convincing'?

How can I answer this Putnam question more rigorously?

How to efficiently use a calculator in a linear algebra exam, if allowed

The art of proof summarizing. Are there known rules, or is it a purely common sense matter?

Existence and uniqueness of function satisfying intuitive properties of distance in $\mathbb{R}^2$?