New posts in proof-explanation

Equivalence of statements of Triangle Removal Lemma

Doubt about Artin’s Algebra Theorem 2.3.3 Proof

Can't find the flaw in the reasoning for this proof by induction?

Is this a valid proof that there are infinitely many natural numbers?

Proof of Eckart-Young-Mirsky theorem

Multiples are closed under integral linear combinations

Why does this way of solving inequalities work?

Still struggling to understand vacuous truths

Question on proving existence in Rudin exercise 1.5

Can anyone show an example of going through Liouville's differential algebra theorem?

In a proof by contradiction, how do we know the assumption is the cause of the contradiction?

Prove: If $A$ and $B$ are closed subsets of $[0,\Omega]$ then at least $A$ or $B$ is bounded

Does Monty Hall logic apply to this real world situation?

What is the explanation for this visual proof of the sum of squares?

Help understand the proof of infinitely many primes of the form $4n+3$

Let $R$ be an integral domain. If $x \in R$ is prime, then $x$ is irreducible.

$\mathcal{A} \subset \mathcal{P}\left(\bigcup\limits_{X \in \mathcal{A}} X\right)$ and conditions for the opposite inclusion.

Clarification about the triple product identity for partial derivatives

Doubt in understanding Space $\mathscr D(\Omega)$

If $S$ is an infinite $\sigma$ algebra on $X$ then $S$ is not countable