New posts in pronunciation

Double meaning of relief

Why does "appropriate" (and also "duplicate", "deliberate" etc) have a different vowel in their adjective/noun and verb forms?

Why are we supposed to say the “a” as an “e” in “any” and “many”?

"Finite" and "infinite": another example?

Why are almost all vowels pronounced "i" in New Zealand English?

Different pronunciations of "Pakistan" versus "Afghanistan"?

Why is the second t in "aptitude" aspirated?

Why is ‘prejudice’ syllabified as Prej-u-dice?

Why the extra syllable in words like these ending in -r and -l?

How is "winded" pronounced in "he winded a horn"?

How to pronounce "aa" vowel pair? [closed]

Why is "Chop Gate" pronounced so strangely?

Do native speakers understand all the words in songs? [closed]

Is "question" pronounced with an "s" or with an "sh" sound?

True realization of /i/ in American English: Is it really [ɪi]?

When did it become fashionable to drop t's in certain words?

Pronunciation of "sue"

the weak form of 'on'

How do you pronounce (r) in British English?

What is the correct pronunciation of the word "Islam"?