"Finite" and "infinite": another example?

If I read your question correctly, you are looking for examples of words that change pronunciation because of prefixes. Another example would be famous (ˈfā-məs) and infamous (ˈin-fə-məs).

I don't know what this phenomenon is called, but it can also apply to other derivations from the same word; for instance, house (haʊs) and houses (ˈhaʊzɪz), (or the verb house (haʊz)), photograph (ˈfō-tə-ˌgraf) and photographer (fə-ˈtä-grə-fər).

Another example of word that changes pronunciation because a prefix is belief, which is pronounced /bəˈlif/ or /biˈlif/ in American English, and where the prefix un- changes the pronunciation to /ˌənbəˈlif/.