New posts in pronunciation

What is the suffix in indexed math symbols

How do the British pronounce "want"?

How do you pronounce "heav'n"?

Pronouncing's W.O.D "vade mecum" in English

Why is Tesco often pronounced Tesco's?

Do British people insert a glottal stop before consonants like k, p and ch?

How to write letter "K" as a full word correctly? [duplicate]

Does English have written words for each letter in the alphabet? [duplicate]

Are "flower" and "flour" always homophones?

"Sixty tray, all day" — what does that mean?

When did the pronunciation of ‘hierarchy’ change from /hie-/ to /hai(e)-/?

Should I pronounce is ksenia or zenia?

the pronunciation of letter i [duplicate]

Is there any case when it's correct to pronounce the word "police" with the stress on the first syllable?

Not fully pronounced oʊ (ō) sound in some words

/wi/ sound in cuisine

Pronunciation of "banal" in British English?

What's the correct pronunciation of "epitome": "Epi-tome" or "Epi-tuh-mi"?

Deliberately mispronouncing words

Voiced sounds after voiced and unvoiced after unvoiced