New posts in pronunciation

How does one pronounce "hath" and "doth"?

"PRETTY good" and "pretty GOOD", which one is better? [closed]

Peculiar pronunciation of 'architecture'

About pronunciation of "thank you"

What is the Pronunciation of "-sts" at the end of the word?

What is the correct pronunciation of "February"? [closed]

What is retraction in pronunciation?

Is the varying pronunciation of "schedule" using "sh-" vs "sk-" regional or individual? [duplicate]

Correct pronunciation of historic

In which varieties of English is 't' in 'often' silent? [duplicate]

Does the letter i serve as a consonant in words like "onion" and "view"?

How to pronounce "80x86", "Linux 2.6", and "Figure 3-1"?

When or why did the pronunciation of the word "renovate" change? [duplicate]

What is the true pronunciation of "participle"? [closed]

What is the meaning and etymology of "cod-French" accent?

How do you pronounce "but"?

Pronunciation difference between "collar" and "color"

What is the difference between the vowels in "sole" and "solo"?

How do I pronounce "can't" with a British accent without it rhyming with "punt" or "paint"?

If a letter isn't pronounced but affects pronunciation of other letters, is it still 'silent'?