New posts in probability

Problem on EU commission

At what rate does the entropy of shuffled cards converge?

Probability of Obtaining the Roots in a Quadratic Equation by Throwing a Die Three Times

Probability of sampling with and without replacement

Multiplicative version of Mcdiarmid's inequality?

Picking points on a sphere at random

Azuma's inequality to McDiarmid's inequality?

proof that convergence in mean implies convergence in probability

Why does a beta distribution between two uniform order statistics have the distribution it does?

A die is rolled once. Call the result N. Then, the die is rolled N times, and those rolls which are equal to or greater than N are summed

Conditional expectation of $X+Y$ given $Y-X$

Distribution of determinants of $n\times n$ matrices with entries in $\{0,1,\ldots,q-1\}$

What is the distribution of this random series?

Please explain algebra for conditional probability $ Pr(C|B) = ... 1Pr(A|B) + 0(Pr(A^C | B)) $

mean and variance of sample median

Question involving Bayes' Rule and the Law of Total Probability

Is statistical dependence transitive?

Drawing balls from urn with conditional replacement [closed]

length of Gaussian Random Vector

Default positive/(non-negative) probability distribution