New posts in probability

Odd order moments of a symmetrical distribution

Expected value as integral of survival function

What is the probability that the selected function maps prime numbers to prime numbers?

A bridge hand void in one suit

Find the probability density function of $Y=X^2$

Probability Discrepancy in drawing 2 cards from a Deck of 52

Probability distribution for the perimeter and area of triangle with fixed circumscribed radius

How do you check if a die is fair using the posterior probability density function?

The correct physical interpretation of Binomial distribution and bernoulli trial in this example

Question about order statistics

Show the result of the following infinite sum, based on a binomial random variable conditioned on a Poisson random variable

Minimum number of flips to guarantee heads

Probability of getting all faces of a die an equal number of times

Monty hall problem probability 2/6?

What is differential probability? [closed]

Help understanding proof of the following statement $E(Y) = \sum_{i = 1}^{\infty} P(Y \geq k)$

The coupon collectors problem [closed]

A fair coin is tossed until a head comes up for the first time. The probability of this happening on an odd number toss is?

Roll two dice. What is the probability that one die shows exactly two more than the other die? [closed]

Density of odd numbers in a sequence relating base 2 and base 3 expansion