New posts in probability

To calculate number the of games, given the final score of the game

How to calculate the summation $(\sum_{p = k}^{n} \binom{n}{p}) / 2^n$ quickly?

What is the probability that all faces have appeared in some order in some six consecutive rolls?

Very simple dice game

Probability density function of the integral of a continuous stochastic process

Does almost sure convergence implies convergence of the mean?

The 3rd raw moment of a binomial distribution

If $X$ and $Y$ are uniformly distributed on $(0,1)$, what is the distribution of $\max(X,Y)/\min(X,Y)$?

Classic $2n$ people around a table problem

probability that minimum value in set A is larger than maximum value in set B

A simple classical probability theory misunderstanding

In Texas Hold’em does flipping the river before the turn change the game? [duplicate]

Is this distribution already known and has a name?

Proof (confusion) of the product of two random variables of two sequences converge to XY

Calculating odds of Minesweeper is this correct?

Dartboard paradox and understanding independence

The probability of having $k$ successes before $r$ failures in a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials

Do moments define distributions?

How is the distance of two random points in a unit hypercube distributed?

Average Length of Longest Palindromic Subsequence