New posts in probability

Definitions for an exponential family to be curved or flat?

Prove: if $a,b\in G$ commute with probability $>5/8$, then $G$ is abelian

Proving $\operatorname{Var}(X) = E[X^2] - (E[X])^2$

Expected time to fuse a $D_{10}$ dragon

Four men, hats and probability

Third Moment of Standard Normal Random Variable

How do I find the probability involving the normal distribution function for $P(X \le 16.50)$?

Drawing 2 cards from a shuffled deck, what is the probability the second one is an Ace?

Conditional expectation with proof of linearity

Generate random graph with probability p

Player rolls dice: for every “1” he gets 1 point, “11” - 5 points, “111” - 10 pts, so on. What is the mean score after 100 rolls?

What is the probability of me passing an MCQ exam by picking answers randomly?

Probability of circle given by randomly chosen diameter falling inside a square

Proving the Law of the Unconscious Statistician

Showing that ${\rm E}[X]=\sum_{k=0}^\infty P(X>k)$ for a discrete random variable

Each member of a population dies with probability $\frac12$ each day, what is the probability that there will be exactly $1$ person alive?

Probability zero vs impossible

What does it mean to do MLE with a continuous variable

An ant on an infinite chessboard

Group of $r$ people at least three people have the same birthday?