Conditional expectation with proof of linearity

Solution 1:

independence is not stated in the question and not needed to prove what you are requested to do.


is valid also if the rv's are not independent. Your proof is quite correct (I amended your $E(X,Y)$ in $E(X+Y)$) but it is not exactly what you are asked to do.

To prove your statement, including conditional probability and constants, simply use the definition finding

$$\begin{align} \mathbb{E}[aY+bZ|X] & = \sum_y\sum_z(ay+bz)p(y,z|x)\\ & = a\sum_y\sum_zyp(y,z|x)+b\sum_y\sum_zzp(y,z|x)\\ & = a\sum_y yp(y|x)+b\sum_z zp(z|x)\\ &=a\mathbb{E}[Y|X]+b\mathbb{E}[Z|X] \end{align}$$