New posts in probability

Compute $E(\sin X)$ if $X$ is normally distributed

Stopping rule for quality control problem

Concentration inequality for sum of squares of i.i.d. sub-exponential random variables?

Confusion in this probability question

Infection in a village

Can I normalize KL-divergence to be $\leq 1$?

Expected number of tosses until showing differently from first result

Determine the distribution of $Y$

Probability question involving throwing a die until we get a certain result

If $E|X_i|^{2}\rightarrow0$, $\frac{S_n}{n}\xrightarrow{p}0$ is not always true.

$\mathbb{E}[Z \, Z^T] = I$ with $Z$ gaussian standard vector and $I$ identity matrix

A card game with no decisions

Expected number of people sitting in the right seats.

Is it possible to use physics or other form of non-canonical reasoning to study functions?

double barrier stopping time density function

Integral of Wiener Squared process

Can an observed event in fact be of zero probability?

Is this graph based on rationals familiar?

The "find my car" problem: proper interpretation and solution?

Transformation of Random Variable $Y = X^2$