Solution 1:

The game is trivially equivalent to take the 52 cards from the deck, one (or two) at a time, and group the same valued cards in respective 13 piles. You loose if at some moment you have 8 or more piles with an odd number of cards.

My simulation ($5 \times 10^7$ tries) gave me a winning probability estimate of $p=0.054207$ and the amount of cards taken from the deck (minimum=8, maximum=52=win) has the following distribution. Most of the time, we loose in the first trials, as noted in the other answer.

enter image description here

Update: a computer calcutation (not a simulation; exact, and quick, though not elegant ) gives me: $$ p=\frac{23655404966027488102313337962261}{436763610067824320055367170703125}=0.0541606590401477 $$

I just consider a 5-elements "state" (number of values that have appeared k-times) and compute iteratively the probabilities transitions (1806 valid states). Java runnable code, in case you are interested (with floating point instead of exact fractions, for clarity), here.

Edited: Let $t \in 0 \dots 52$ be the "time" (iteration) of the game, equal (in my formulation above) to the total number of drawn cards. Let ${\bf n}(t) $ be a 5-dimensional state vector such that $n_k(t)\in 0 \dots 13$ (with $k \in 0 \dots 4$) counts how many values (card ranks) have appeared $k$ times, after having drawn $t$ cards. It follows that

$$\sum_{k=0}^4 n_k(t)=13$$

$$\sum_{k=0}^4 k \, n_k(t)=t$$

(BTW, the total set of states, correspond to the weak-compositions of 13 in 5 parts. And the state value determines univocally the time $t$, through the second equation).

The legal state transitions correspond to selecting a index value $j\in 0\cdots 3$, decrementing that index value and incrementing the next one: $n_j(t+1)=n_j(t)-1$, $n_{j+1}(t+1)=n_{j+1}(t)+1$, with the restriction $n_j(t) >0$. Each transition probability can be computed as

$$p_j = \frac{n_j(t) \, (4-j)}{52-t}$$

Further, the additional game rule corresponds to having less than $M=8$ odd valued numbers, i.e. $n_1(t) + n_3(t) < 8$

Then, given the probability of all legal states at time $t$, we can compute the probability of all legal states at time $t+1$. And the probability of reaching ("legally", without losing the game) state $t$ is the sum of those probabilities. This is just what my program computes.

An example. This states corresponds to 28 cards already played, 3 values (12 cards) not having yet appeared, 5 values have appeared twice (10 cards), 2 values have appeared three times).

k  n  nk    p
0  3   0  12/24
1  0   0   0/24
2  5  10  10/24
3  2   6   2/24
4  3  12   0/24
  13  28    1

Solution 2:

Let's set some variables:

PairChoices = Select[Subsets[Range[8], {2}], #[[1]] < #[[2]] &];

(This is a list of all possible (ordered) subsets of $\{1,\ldots,8\}$ of size two. We'll use it to scan for pairs.)

What follows is the bulk of our code. It iterates a while loop until we win or lose, then prints the number of cards remaining in the deck:

Deck = RandomSample[Flatten@ Table[Range[13], {i, 1, 4}], 52];
Hand = Take[Deck, 8]; Deck = Drop[Deck, 8];
While[Length[Union[Hand]] < 8 && Length[Deck] > 1,
    Paired = First[Select[PairChoices, Hand[[#[[1]]]] == Hand[[#[[2]]]] &]];
    Hand = Join[Drop[Drop[Hand, {Paired[[2]]}], {Paired[[1]]}],Take[Deck, 2]];
    Deck = Drop[Deck, 2]];
Print[{Length[Deck], Hand}]

This outputs $0$ if and only if we've won; in general, it outputs the number of cards left in the deck when the game ends. It's not hard to turn this into a function, mapping decks to the number of cards left when the game ends. Then we can run this function as many times as we like. What follows is a histogram of this data, for 100000 games: Deck Length at Game End

Notice that it appears to be impossible to come close to winning without actually winning. After running this game 250000 times, I've had a win-percentage of $0.053816$, i.e. a win about every 18 or 19 games. I'll run more games; hopefully a statistician will be able to say when the result is significant.