New posts in probability

X,Y are independent exponentially distributed then what is the distribution of X/(X+Y)

Is the Law of Large Numbers empirically proven?

If a coin toss is observed to come up as heads many times, does that affect the probability of the next toss?

If we randomly select 25 integers between 1 and 100, how many consecutive integers should we expect?

Uniform distribution on the surface of unit sphere

How to compute moments of log normal distribution?

Boy Born on a Tuesday - is it just a language trick?

Average Distance Between Random Points on a Line Segment

How can a probability density be greater than one and integrate to one

How likely is it not to be anyone's best friend?

Chance of meeting in a bar

There are 4 cups of liquid. Three are water and one is poison. If you were to drink 3 of the 4 cups, what is the probability of being poisoned?

Probability of picking a random natural number

Numerical phenomenon. Who can explain?

Is it generally accepted that if you throw a dart at a number line you will NEVER hit a rational number?

Probability of 3 people in a room of 30 having the same birthday

What do $\pi$ and $e$ stand for in the normal distribution formula?

Mathematical research of Pokémon

Cosmic Rays: what is the probability they will affect a program?

Drunk man with a set of keys.