New posts in probability-theory

Distribution of a random real with i.i.d. Bernoulli(p) binary digits?

Name/significance of integral of the square of a probability density function

What does it mean to sample, in measure theoretic terms?

Prove the Probability of Two Events

Estimates for the normal approximation of the binomial distribution

$f(X)$ measurable, but $f$ not measurable

$\mathbf{E}[\max\{X, a\}] \geq \max\{\mathbf{E}[X], a\}$

Convergence of sum of triangular array of random variables

What is the probability that the expectation value is the actual value in this experiment

Is there any discrete distribution whose probability mass function resembles beta distribution $f(x; \alpha=5, \beta=1)$

Motivation behind study of martingales

Sample path of Brownian Motion within epsilon distance of continuous function

Proving Slutsky's theorem

Importance of Locally Compact Hausdorff Spaces

Convolution of two Uniform random variables

Suppose that $X_i$ are independent random variables, with finite absolute moment. Then $Max(X_1, \ldots, X_n) / n \to 0$ a.s.?

Why is this process bounded?

What is $E(X\mid X>c)$ in terms of $P(X>c)$?

For $f$ continuous and bounded find $\mathbb{E} \big [ \prod_{i=1}^n f \big (\ X_i \big ) \big ]$ for random variables $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n$

Conditional expectation with respect to a $\sigma$-algebra