New posts in probability-theory

Determine the distribution of $Y$

If $E|X_i|^{2}\rightarrow0$, $\frac{S_n}{n}\xrightarrow{p}0$ is not always true.

Can an observed event in fact be of zero probability?

Two-valued measure is a Dirac measure

Measurability of the pushforward operator on measures

Why is it that $\mathscr{F} \ne 2^{\Omega}$?

Sufficient $\varepsilon$-$\delta$-criterion for polynomial tail decay

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process: increments

Probability of getting A to K on single scan of shuffled deck

What does actually probability mean?

Mean value theorem inside the Expectation

How interpret convergence in probability?

Proof of Pinsker's inequality.

Prove that $Q$ is a probability measure

Expected Value of Guessing Game

Substitute for triangle inequality for Kullback-Leibler divergence

The proportion of binary digits of $\sum_{k=1}^\infty \Big\lfloor{\frac{k}{2}\sqrt{p}\Big\rfloor}\cdot2^{-k}$ equal to one, is $> 0.978$ if $p=143$.

Proof: Rank of a Random (arbitrary size) Matrix is full rank with probability $1$?

Can nonstandard analysis give a uniform probability distribution over the integers?

Let $X_1$ and $X_2$ be uniform on $n$-spheres. What is the distribution of $\| X_1+X_2\|$?