New posts in probability-theory

Is there a continuous version of the Borel-Cantelli lemma?

$X_1,X_2,...$ converges to $0$ almost surely if and only if $P(|X_n|>\epsilon \text{ i.o.})=0$ for all $\epsilon > 0$

Is $X$ and $X-0$ the same random variable?

Is there a distribution over all distributions in [0,1]?

If X and Y are equal almost surely, then they have the same distribution, but the reverse direction is not correct

How variance is defined?

Markov inequality with bounded random variable

Joint CDF to Marginal CDF - For Continuous R.V. X & Y

Finding an example of a discrete-time strict local martingale.

Why do people simulate with Brownian motion instead of "Intuitive Brownian Motion"?

Expected number of steps between states in a Markov Chain

A signed version of the Hausdorff moment problem

Problems on expected value

Is the space of probability measures on a compact set is compact w.r.t Wasserstein metric?

Poisson process has probability with other distribution

Understanding the meaning of this probability distribution

Regarding probability and the birthday paradox

Conditional expectation, exponential distribution.

Probabilistic Proof of $\prod\limits_{i=1}^\infty\cos\left(\frac t{2^i}\right)=\frac{\sin t}t$ [duplicate]

Why use infimum in definition of Quantile function?