New posts in probability-theory

What is the probability that both roots of the equation $𝐴𝑥^2+𝐵𝑥+𝐶=0$ are real?

Zero integral of measurable $f$ on every interval implies $f=0$?

Markov processes driven by the noise

Understanding the relationship of the $L^1$ norm to the total variation distance of probability measures, and the variance bound on it

Hitting time of Brownian Motion with a drift

Covariance of Gaussian stochastic process

Show that $S = \sqrt{S^2}$ is a biased estimator of $\sigma$ given a random sample from a normal distribution ...

Does "independence" of moments imply independence?

Higher math and statistics/probability

Can one tell based on the moments of the random variable if it is continuos or not

Law of Sup of Brownian Motion

$A=\{(x_1,x_2,x_3): x_1\le x_2 \le x_3 \}, B=\{(x_1,x_2,x_3): x_2\le x_1 \le x_3 \}$. Show $P(Z+\mu \in A) \ge P(Z+ \mu \in B)$ for $\mu \in A$.

Is an SDE really equal to an integral equation, or is it rather "its integral" that is?

Fisher information of a Binomial distribution

Searching for a point on the real line

Is the limit of a sequence of random variables unique?

How can we show a sequence convergence to almost surely in conditional expectation

Show the mean of a non-negative integer-valued variable is finite

Motivation for proof of Berry-Esséen Theorem

The Expectation and Variance of the number of $k$ size sets containing exactly $m$ edges in $G(n, p)$