New posts in popular-math

A divergent series from Futurama

How can I mathematically model and analyze an incremental game like Cookie Clicker?

How would you input into WolframAlpha?

What interview of G. H. Hardy by P. Erdős does Wikipedia refer to?

New mathematical results in fiction work

Help to identify every equation in this meme? [closed]

How did Vladimir Voevodsky "changed the meaning of the equals sign"?

Name of the math movie

What is fleventy five?

How Can One Prove $\cos(\pi/7) + \cos(3 \pi/7) + \cos(5 \pi/7) = 1/2$ [duplicate]

Did Feynman mentally compute $\sqrt[3]{1729.03}$ by linear approximation?

Explaining what real math is to a high school student

A problem V.I. Arnold solved as a primary school student

Motivation for Tom Lehrer's song "Lobachevsky"?

How many primes do I need to check to confirm that an integer $L$, is prime?

"Bad" Mathematics in Movies

"What if" math joke: the derivative of $\ln(x)^e$

"A proof that algebraic topology can never have a non self-contradictory set of abelian groups" - Dr. Sheldon Cooper

What is the best strategy for Cookie-Clicker-esque games?

Mathematics understood through poems? [closed]