New posts in politeness

When is it appropriate or disrespectful to refer to someone as "she"?

How should I describe text that is inappropriate on Stack Exchange? [duplicate]

Let me know your availability [closed]

Is it rude to tell someone "do whatever you want"? does it mean you care less?

What is the correct form of address for a police officer?

Polite way to refuse to answer a question

Popular alternatives to "thank you"

How can I ask, "Why did you send me this link?" in a polite way?

Difference between "Excuse me" and "Sorry"

"Much obliged" — Old-fashioned? Polite? Pedantic?

What is the best way of conveying respect to elders in English? [duplicate]

Please is polite but can adding it seem impolite or impatient

Object pronoun: me and John, or John and me? [closed]

Addressing a former office-holder by that office's title [closed]

How do words become derogatory or politically incorrect?

Bless your heart

Is it appropriate to call a British person a "Brit"?

Is "grammar nazi" politically correct?

What are the polite and neutral versions of “cut the bull*’?

I would like to kindly ask you could you check......?