New posts in nonsubjective

What is the best word for a student who gains highest grades in school or university? [duplicate]

Does "moonlighting" have a negative or neutral connotation?

Opposite of disciplined with positive or neutral connotations

Non-derogatory term similar to "inflexible"

Is the word “classless” neutral in its implication, or does it have a derogatory tone?

Is there an alternative to the phrase "Going Native"?

Non-pejorative term for behaviour that discriminates against people based on their birth place [duplicate]

Alternative word for jealous (without the negative connotations)

Is there a non-derogatory synonym for “propaganda”?

What is the word to describe a person who does not have a personal opinion?

A word similar to pride (without its troublesome patronizing connotations)

What is the neutral way of telling someone to "do whatever you want"?

Positive euphemism for "harped on"

More precise word or phrase for neutral connotation of racism

Does “upshot” denote something positive, negative, or neutral?

Is "subtle" a positive, neutral or/and negative word?

Connotatively neutral alternatives to "ignorant"?

What are the polite and neutral versions of “cut the bull*’?

What to call the best student in a class?

Proper term for people from eastern Asia