New posts in phonology

/ə/ in a stressed syllable?

Why do dictionaries transcribe the nasal in 'think' and 'language' with /ŋ/, yet 'input' and 'inbox' with /n/, not /m/?

Why do some words with similar meanings sound similar as well?

Are "traitor" and "trader" pronounced the same?

/i/ sound before "ng" and "nk"

Where did "nightingale" get its second N from?

Could you explain the differences between voiced stop, voiceless unaspirated stop, voiceless aspirated stop?

Which words have a long vowel before the suffix -ic?

/ð/ → /d/ shift in English

Why there are three different sounds for -ed?

How to pronounce "twenty" correctly?

Why do photons and protons exhibit such anomalous behavior?

Hwat, hwere, and hwy?

When do I pronounce a non-existent “r” between adjacent vowel sounds?

Is there a term for when the "d'" is dropped in a "not" contraction?

Words pronounced with stress patterns like in "politics", "lunatics", etc.?

What is the P in 'nope' called?

Why is "salient" pronounced with a "long a" sound?

Variant of English pronunciation in the UK

Is there a rule for pronouncing “th” at the beginning of a word?