New posts in parts-of-speech

What word can fulfill the most parts of speech?

How many different parts of speech can the f-word be used as?

Grammatical role of “the hell”?

What is the grammatical function of 'Celsius' in "ten degrees Celsius"?

Why not an s on "speed" in "Ukraine speed to test new-look Germany defence"

What part of speech is "on" in "on fire"?

A question about this here adjective

New Oxford American Dictionary describes "the" as an adjective

"Those other people": Adjectives vs. determinatives

It was a terribly difficult time for all of us. - adjectival preposition

Does "away" serve as an adverb or an adjective in the following sentence?

'Now' as a preposition or conjunction

Are these parts of speech correct? [closed]

Is 'Japanese' in 'the Japanese' (people from Japan collectively) a noun or an adjective?

'dynamical' vs. 'dynamic'

Why is "dark" an adverb in "dark blue"?

Can 'home' be an adjective as well as an adverb or a noun?

Cooking apples and cleaning ladies

Is “I’ve boughten many vinyls” correct in its use of “boughten”?

What is the term to describe the use of "City Hall" in "you can't fight City Hall"?