New posts in partial-differential-equations

Change variables into Fokker-Planck PDE

Reversing the Ricci flow

Energy norm. Why is it called that way?

Cauchy Problem for inviscid Burgers' equation

Using Markov Property in solving PDE/SDE

Elliptic Regularity for solutions in distributional sense

Roadmap to SPDEs

Dirichlet problem in the disk: behavior of conjugate function, and the effect of discontinuities

Indication on how to solve the heat equations with nonconstant coefficients

Wave Equation with One Non-Homogeneous Boundary Condition

Intuition behind variational principle

Evans PDE Chapter 5 Problem 11: Does $Du=0$ a.e. implie $u=c$ a.e.?

A problem from Evans' PDEs book: find a Lagrangian for a given Euler-Lagrange equation

Evans PDE Problem 5.15: Poincaré inequality for functions with large zero set

Stochastic interpretation of Einstein equations

Was Euler right?

How does absolute error behave in the boundary conditions of a PDE?

Weak derivative zero implies constant function

dual of $H^1_0$: $H^{-1}$ or $H_0^1$?

How to solve the nonlinear recurrence which depends on $n$