New posts in partial-differential-equations

Do eigenfunctions of elliptic operator form basis of $H^k(M)$?

Geometric intepretation of Holder continuous functions?

What does the term "regularity" mean?

Solve the heat equation - by splitting up the second order derivative

Solution of a differentiation in integral form

Energy functional in Poisson's equation: what physical interpretation?

Problem 7 - Chapter 6 - Evans' PDE (Second Edition)

Poincaré inequality for a subspace of $H^1(\Omega)$

Maximum problem for heat equation

Relation of Brownian Motion to Helmholtz Equation

Does solve PDE by combination of variables always cannot find the general solutions?

Integration of Two Variable Function?

How to define weak solution for an elliptic PDE with non-zero Dirichlet boundary condition?

Existence and uniqueness of Stokes flow

Solve first order PDE system

Why is there no harmonic function on compact Riemannian manifold?

Prove for elliptic PDE, $c<0$ implies $\sup_{\Omega} |u| \leq \sup_{\partial\Omega}\lvert \phi \rvert+ \sup_{\Omega}\lvert \frac{f}{c} \rvert.$

surface measure and Gauss-Green theorem proof

Integration by parts (Green's identities)

Importance of Schwartz kernel theorem