New posts in partial-differential-equations

When does Separation of Variables yield basis of solution set?

what is separation of variables

Proving $\frac{200}{\pi}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^{n}}{(2n+1)\cosh\left(\frac{\pi}{2}(2n+1)\right)}=25$

Why are weak solutions to PDEs good enough?

$C^\infty_{0}(\bar\Omega)$ dense in $W^{k,p}(\Omega)$: the closure is necessary?

Solving $uu_{x_1}+u_{x_2}=u$ with boundary conditions

Maximum principle question for heat equation problem

intuition behind weak solution

cutoff function vs mollifiers

Fundamental Solution of the Four-Dimensional Laplacian

General solution to the PDE $xU_x+yU_y=0$

Upwind differencing scheme in Finite Volume Method (FVM)

Proof of Hartree Energy conservation

Burgers' equation $u_y + uu_x = 0$ with $u(x,0)=-x$

Positivity of principal eigenvalue for $L\phi=-\triangle \phi + \nabla \cdot( u \phi )$

Counter example of rellich-kondrachov compact embedding theorem on unbounded domain

Why are elliptic/parabolic/hyperbolic PDEs called "elliptic"/"parabolic"/"hyperbolic"?

when does a separate-variable series solution exist for a PDE

How to compute the first eigenvalue of Laplace operator in an ellipse?

Wave-Particle Duality in PDE?