New posts in orthography

How to spell [ʒʊʒd] and what does it mean?

Is it acceptable to use "womyn" or "womin" instead of "women"?

Edited vs emitted - why one t vs two t's [duplicate]

Why is Q used in some words instead of K or C

Similar words that change from "-ter" to "tre"

Is there any rule for differentiating between the endings "th" and "ht"?

Spelling or grammar error? [closed]

"Each person's car" vs. "each persons' car" [closed]

Why is "conquer" pronounced /'kɔŋkɚ/ and not /'kɔŋkwɚ/?

How to form a gerund from “practise”? [closed]

When to pronounce 'beloved' in 2 syllables vs 3 syllables [duplicate]

Why didn't "spiel" get spelled with an "sh"?

Does the abbreviation for Saint in a church name require a period?

Why don't Americans write "devor" instead of "devour"?

Why is "fulfil" spelt as "fulfill" in American English?

Space before apostrophe

In British English, should it be "licensee" or "licencee"?

Do any people distinguish between "analog" and "analogue"?

What was going on with "quha", "quhat" and the like in Scots and English?

What is the correct spelling: "wrapable" or "wrappable"?