New posts in orthography

What is "Oki-doki" or "Oki-dokie" or "Okay-dokay"

Syllable division of VCV pattern in words such as "salad" and "lemon"

"Hostname" or "host name"?

Are "eery" and "eerie" equally acceptable spellings?

Lowercase "moon", "sun" and "solar system"?

Why isn't the ā€˜Pā€™ in psychology pronounced? [duplicate]

Please explain the: upwards vs upward difference [duplicate]

Why does "agree" have only one "g"?

Why is "eye" pronounced so strangely?

Why is the plural of array "arrays" and not "arraies"? [duplicate]

How should "makeup" be written in BrEng?

Virtualisation vs Virtualization [duplicate]

Participle of "center/centre" in UK English ā€” "centring"? Seriously? [closed]

Should "japanese" be capitalised when used as an adjective

"Nine out of 10"

Pedlar vs. peddler

"Archivable" or "archiveable"

How did the "double consonant to shorten vowel" thing come about? ("furry" vs. "fury")

What's the point of omitting the "e", as in "sceptered" going to "scepter'd", in English poetry?

Why is "threshold" pronounced "thresh-hold"?