New posts in orthography

Which spelling is preferred: "retriable" or "retryable"? [duplicate]

Deleter or deletor? [duplicate]

The history of the English "postmeridian"

Why is "hiccup" spelled with two c's?

Can "nighttime" be used instead of "night-time"?

Between '(s)he' & 'he/she' -- which is recommended/ preferable?

"onto" versus "on to"

How did “Papa” become “Pope”?

Does quoting in British or American English depend on the quoted or the audience?

Plural for "photo"?

Is it yada or yadda?

Is "civillians" correct?

Signalling or signaling? [duplicate]

Is it makeup or make-up or make up?

Inquiry vs. enquiry

Usage of "brook" to mean "burp"?

“Councilor” vs. “Councillor”

What is the name of the chemical Sulfur or Sulphur? [closed]

Are there any other English syllables without vowels, besides "thm"?

Is it "flotation" or "floatation"?