New posts in order-theory

The preorder of countable order types

Construction of uncountably many non-isomorphic linear (total) orderings of natural numbers

On Tarski-Knaster theorem

Order Preserving Isomorphism

Discrete Math - Hasse Diagrams

Symmetric relations form a CABA

Question on a step of "A Simple Proof of Zorn's Lemma" by Lewin

Representation theorem for Complete Atomic Heyting Algebras

Any Well-Ordering of $\mathbb{R}$ has no Corresponding Metric

limsup and liminf of a sequence of subsets of a set

Problem with "tree" definitions

Need a clarification of the proof that the prime ideal space of a distributive bounded lattice is compact

Sole minimal element: Why not also the minimum?

A general "inclusion-exclusion principle" / Formulas like $\inf(a,b)\sup(a,b)=ab$

Is $(\pmb{1} + \pmb{\eta})\cdot\pmb{\omega_1} = \pmb{1} + \pmb{\eta}\cdot\pmb{\omega_1}$?

bijective homomorphisms between non isomorphic posets, example , explanation needed

Isomorphisms: preserve structure, operation, or order?

Can I always order a countable set of numbers?

Examples of Galois connections?

Defining arbitrary join on the set of complete ideals of a Heyting Algebra