New posts in operating-system

Up-to-date distros supporting 32-bit i586/non-PAE, specifically for ALIX boards (AMD Geode) [closed]

Detect MacOS, iOS, Windows, Android and Linux OS with JS [duplicate]

Difference between physical/logical/virtual memory address

"zero copy networking" vs "kernel bypass"?

System call and context switch

Forcing server as idle as possible (all OSes, but possibly illumos too)

What is process and thread?

Java's "" for Windows 10?

How do SMP cores, processes, and threads work together exactly?

What are atomic operations for newbies?

In C, how is the main() method initially called?

How to run regasm.exe from command line other than Visual Studio command prompt?

When using os.execlp, why `python` needs `python` as argv[0]

python mkdir to make folder with subfolder? [duplicate]

How to load second stage boot loader from first stage?

Historical reason behind different line ending at different platforms

Why is Windows giving my hard disk the letter C and not A or B for example?

Why is the probe method needed in Linux device drivers in addition to init?

Any lightweight *nix environment for programming

Is memory allocation a system call?