Yes, I have read many materials related to operating system. And I am still reading. But it seems all of them are describing the process and thread in a "abstract" way, which makes a lot of high level elabration on their behavior and logic orgnization. I am wondering what are they physically? In my opinion, they are just some in-memory "data structures" which are maintained and used by the kernel codes to facilitate the execution of program. For example, operating system use some process data structure (PCB) to describe the aspects of the process assigned for a certain program, such as its priority, its address space and so on. Is this all right?

Solution 1:

First thing you need to know to understand the difference between a process and a thread, is a fact, that processes do not run, threads do.

So, what is a thread? Closest I can get explaining it is an execution state, as in: a combination of CPU registers, stack, the lot. You can see a proof of that, by breaking in a debugger at any given moment. What do you see? A call stack, a set of registers. That's pretty much it. That's the thread.

Now, then, what is a process. Well, it's a like an abstract "container" entity for running threads. As far as OS is concerned in a first approximation, it's an entity OS allocates some VM to, assigns some system resources to (like file handles, network sockets), &c.

How do they work together? The OS creates a "process" by reserving some resources to it, and starting a "main" thread. That thread then can spawn more threads. Those are the threads in one process. They more or less can share those resources one way or another (say, locking might be needed for them not to spoil the fun for others &c). From there on, OS is normally responsible for maintaining those threads "inside" that VM (detecting and preventing attempts to access memory which doesn't "belong" to that process), providing some type of scheduling those threads, so that they can run "one-after-another-and-not-just-one-all-the-time".

Solution 2:

Normally when you run an executable like notepad.exe, this creates a single process. These process could spawn other processes, but in most cases there is a single process for each executable that you run. Within the process, there can be many threads. Usually at first there is one thread, which usually starts at the programs "entry point" which is the main function usually. Instructions are executed one by one in order, like a person who only has one hand, a thread can only do one thing at a time before it moves on to the next.

That first thread can create additional threads. Each additional thread has it's own entry point, which is usually defined with a function. The process is like a container for all the threads that have been spawned within it.

That is a pretty simplistic explanation. I could go into more detail but probably would overlap with what you will find in your textbooks.

EDIT: You'll notice there are lot's of "usually"'s in my explanation, as there are occasionally rare programs that do things drastically different.

Solution 3:

One of the reasons why it is pretty much impossible to describe threads and processes in a non-abstract way is that they are abstractions.

Their concrete implementations differ tremendously.

Compare for example an Erlang Process and a Windows Process: an Erlang Process is very lightweight, often less than 400 Bytes. You can start 10 million processes on a not very recent laptop without any problems. They start up very quickly, they die very quickly and you are expected to be able to use them for very short tasks. Every Erlang Process has its own Garbage Collector associated with it. Erlang Processes can never share memory, ever.

Windows Processes are very heavy, sometimes hundreds of MiBytes. You can start maybe a couple of thousand of them on a beefy server, if you are lucky. They start up and die pretty slowly. Windows Processes are the units of Applications such as IDEs or Text Editors or Word Processors, so they are usually expected to live quite a long time (at least several minutes). They have their own Address Space, but no Garbage Collector. Windows Processes can share memory, although by default they don't.

Threads are a similar matter: an NPTL Linux Thread on x86 can be as small as 4 KiByte and with some tricks you can start 800000+ on a 32 Bit x86 machine. The machine will certainly be useable with thousands, maybe tens of thousands of threads. A .NET CLR Thread has a minimum size of about 1 MiByte, which means that just 4000 of those will eat up your entire address space on a 32 Bit machine. So, while 4000 NPTL Linux Threads is generally not a problem, you can't even start 4000 .NET CLR Threads because you will run out of memory before that.

OS Processes and OS Threads are also implemented very differently between different Operating Systems. The main two approaches are: the kernel knows only about processes. Threads are implemented by a Userspace Library, without any knowledge of the kernel at all. In this case, there are again two approaches: 1:1 (every Thread maps to one Kernel Process) or m:n (m Threads map to n Processes, where usually m > n and often n == #CPUs). This was the early approach taken on many Operating Systems after Threads were invented. However, it is usually deemed inefficient and has been replaced on almost all systems by the second approach: Threads are implemented (at least partially) in the kernel, so that the kernel now knows about two distinct entities, Threads and Processes.

One Operating System that goes a third route, is Linux. In Linux, Threads are neither implemented in Userspace nor in the Kernel. Instead, the Kernel provides an abstraction of both a Thread and a Process (and indeed a couple of more things), called a Task. A Task is a Kernel Scheduled Entity, that carries with it a set of flags that determine which resources it shares with its siblings and which ones are private.

Depending on how you set those flags, you get either a Thread (share pretty much everything) or a Process (share all system resources like the system clock, the filesystem namespace, the networking namespace, the user ID namespace, the process ID namespace, but do not share the Address Space). But you can also get some other pretty interesting things, too. You can trivially get BSD-style jails (basically the same flags as a Process, but don't share the filesystem or the networking namespace). Or you can get what other OSs call a Virtualization Container or Zone (like a jail, but don't share the UID and PID namespaces and system clock). Since a couple of years ago via a technology called KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine) you can even get a full-blown Virtual Machine (share nothing, not even the processor's Page Tables). [The cool thing about this is that you get to reuse the highly-tuned mature Task Scheduler in the kernel for all of these things. One of the things the Xen Virtual Machine has often criticized for, was the poor performance of its scheduler. The KVM developers have a much superior scheduler than Xen, and the best thing is they didn't even have to write a single line of code for it!]

So, on Linux, the performance of Threads and Processes is much closer than on Windows and many other systems, because on Linux, they are actually the same thing. Which means that the usage patterns are very different: on Windows, you typically decide between using a Thread and a Process based on their weight: can I afford a Process or should I use a Thread, even though I actually don't want to share state? On Linux (and usually Unix in general), you decide based on their semantics: do I actually want to share state or not?

One reason why Processes tend to be lighter on Unix than on Windows, is different usage: on Unix, Processes are the basic unit of both concurrency and functionality. If you want to use concurrency, you use multiple Processes. If your application can be broken down into multiple independent pieces, you use multiple Processes. Every Process does exactly one thing and only that one thing. Even a simple one-line shell script often involves dozens or hundreds of Processes. Applications usually consist of many, often short-lived Processes.

On Windows, Threads are the basic units of concurrency and COM components or .NET objects are the basic units of functionality. Applications usually consist of a single long-running Process.

Again, they are used for very different purposes and have very different design goals. It's not that one or the other is better or worse, it's just that they are so different that the common characteristics can only be described very abstractly.

Pretty much the only few things you can say about Threads and Processes are that:

  • Threads belong to Processes
  • Threads are lighter than Processes
  • Threads share most state with each other
  • Processes share significantly less state than Threads (in particular, they generally share no memory, unless specifically requested)

Solution 4:

I would say that :

A process has a memory space, opened files,..., and one or more threads.

A thread is an instruction stream that can be scheduled by the system on a processor.

Solution 5:

Have a look at the detailed answer I gave previously here on SO. It gives an insight into a toy kernel structure responsible for maintaining processes and the threads...

Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom.