New posts in operating-system

Programmatically get parent pid of another process?

Replace strings in files by Python, recursively in given directory and its subdirectories?

What's the difference between and on Python?

docker is not VM , why container need base image OS ? [closed]

fork in multi-threaded program

Mount TrueCrypt encrypted system drive on other computer?

dma vs interrupt-driven i/o

Understanding concurrent file writes from multiple processes

What is progress and bounded waiting in critical section?

Are there any macros to determine if my code is being compiled to Windows? [duplicate]

numa and taskset

How to change the user and group permissions for a directory, by name?

When is a condition variable needed, isn't a mutex enough?

How do I unmount one of two devices mounted to the same mount point?

which one should I use: os.sep or os.path.sep?

What is preemption / What is a preemtible kernel? What is it good for?

Why is the CPU not needed to service I/O requests?

Check the open FD limit for a given process in Linux

How does the OS scheduler regain control of CPU?

How closely are Mac OS X and BSD related?