New posts in numerical-methods

Is $f'>0$ enough for Newton's method to converge? [duplicate]

Newton's method for roots of multiplicity $> 1$

Numerical methods book

Singular value decomposition of column & row vectors

$f(x)=1/(1+x^2)$. Lagrange polynomials do not always converge. why?

A known closed form for Borchardt mean (generalization of AGM) - why doesn't it work?

Clamped and Natural Cubic Splines

Solving for endpoints given by two integral equations

What are the difference between some basic numerical root finding methods?

A numerical evaluation of $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}(-1)^{\frac{n(n+1)}{2}}\frac1{n!}\int_0^1x^{(n)} dx$

Why is Lagrange interpolation numerically unstable?

Online resources to learn numerical methods for PDEs?

Do I apply the univariate or the multivariate version of the Newton-Raphson iterative method to this equation?

Direct and Iterative methods (GEPP and Jacobi)

How do I prove that $\sqrt{20+\sqrt{20+\sqrt{20}}}-\sqrt{20-\sqrt{20-\sqrt{20}}} \approx 1$

Numerical Integral of Complete Elliptic Integral

How can I choose the best algorithm to integrate ODE's numerically?

Backward stability vs Stability

Newton's method for square roots 'jumps' through the continued fraction convergents

Mean Value Theorem Integrals