New posts in number-theory

Continued Fraction [1,1,1,...]

Approximation of a real number via a fraction of coprimes.

The minimal polynomial of a primitive $p^{m}$-th root of unity over $\mathbb{Q}_p$

Is there a conjecture with maximal prime gaps

What's the most efficient way to put all the stones in one pile?

IMO 2013 Problem 6

Possible values of difference of 2 primes

if $n^2<a<b<c<d<(n+1)^2$ ,then prove $ad\neq bc$

Number of Jordan forms from given characteristic polynomial and partitions

What is the smallest prime of the form $n^n+5$?

How many natural number between $100$ and $1000$ exist which can be expressed as sum of 10 different primes.

Find all positive integers $n$ such that $3^n+5^n = x^3$

Proving that this function has the same value for all integers $\geq4$. [duplicate]

Statistics for $N$ in sum of cubes $a^3+b^3+c^3 = N^3$?

Solution of $X^5=5 Y (Y+1)+1$ in integers.

Erdős and the limiting ratio of consecutive prime numbers

How often must an irreducible polynomial take a prime value?

Do $n=2m+1$ and $\big(2^m\bmod(m\cdot n)\big)\in\{n+1,3n-1\}$ imply $n$ prime?

Find all solutions for $p^2+q^2+49r^2 = 9k^2 - 101$ [closed]

Asymptotic behavior of number of triples $i,j,k\le n$ with pairwise bounded least common multiples each $\le n$.