New posts in number-theory

modulus in number theory

Integer solutions of $x^3+y^3=z^3$ using methods of Algebraic Number Theory

Calculate the number of integers in a given interval that are coprime to a given integer

Are the squarefree numbers periodic?

Structures in the plot of the "squareness" of numbers

Asymptotic quality of rational approximations to $\pi$

A few conjectured limits of products involving the Thue–Morse sequence

A difficult Diophantine equation

Can $4\cdot n!-4n+1$ be a perfect square when $n>4$?

Is there a perfect square (other than 9) all of whose digits are 7, 8, or 9?

Total number of divisors of factorial of a number

a formula involving order of Dirichlet characters, $\mu(n)$ and $\varphi(n)$

What are some natural arithmetical statements independent of ZFC?

Primes for which $x^k\equiv n\pmod p$ is solvable: the fixed version

Sum of squares of sum of squares function $r_2(n)$

Link between the negative pell equation $x^2-dy^2=-1$ and a certain continued fraction

Diophantine equation $x^y-y^x=11$

optimality of 2 as a coefficient in a continued fraction theorem

proving that $ab$ is a perfect square.

When is Euler's totient function for two different integers equal?