Link between the negative pell equation $x^2-dy^2=-1$ and a certain continued fraction

Consider the generalized continued fraction

$$F(x)=(x-1)-\cfrac{(x+1)}{x+\cfrac{(-1)(5)} {3x+\cfrac{(1)(7)}{5x+\cfrac{(3)(9)}{7x+\cfrac{(5)(11)}{9x+\ddots}}}}}$$

I experimentally discovered that at certain cases it converges to quadratic irrationals $\frac{a+b\sqrt{d}}{c}$ where $a,b,c$ and$ d\gt1$(square free) are integers. Here's a list of some of its closed forms






















To my surprise, the discriminants $d$ of the quadratic irrationals are only numbers for which the negative pell equation $x^2-dy^2=-1$ is solvable,see OEIS A031396.

Question:Can the link between the continued fraction and pell equation be proven?

Solution 1:

Given your continued fraction $F(x)$, it seems it has a general closed-form. Define,



$$F(x) = x-1-\frac{(x+1)\big(-x^3+12x+d\sqrt{d}\big)}{6(3x^2-4)}\tag2$$ hence,

$$G(x)=\frac{-x^3+12x+d\sqrt{d}}{6(3x^2-4)}=\cfrac{1}{x+\cfrac{(-1)(5)} {3x+\cfrac{(1)(7)}{5x+\cfrac{(3)(9)}{7x+\cfrac{(5)(11)}{9x+\ddots}}}}}\tag3$$

Plugging in $x$, you'll recover all your values, including the missing $F(15)$ and $F(19)$.

If $d$ as defined by $(1)$ is supposed to be square-free $d'$, then the negative Pell equation,

$$p^2-d'q^2 = -1\tag4$$

always has a solution.

  1. Even $x$: If $x=2v$, then $d'=v^2+1$, and $p =v,\;q = 1$.
  2. Odd $x$: Then $d'=x^2+4$, and $p=\frac{x(x^2+3)}{2},\;q=\frac{x^2+1}{2}$ while $p,q$ are integers since $x$ is odd.