New posts in notify-osd

How to Get Native Notifications with Firefox 4?

Notify-osd and libnotify: how do they cooperate?

How to send custom notifications in KDE ?

Disable gnome-software's notification bubble (notify-osd) for available updates

How to get caps/num/scroll lock keys OSD notification?

14.04: re-enabling unity style notification in unity after xubuntu-desktop install?

Can you move the notification popups? If so, how?

How to make firefox use notifyOSD?

notify-send not working on 14.04, but volume and brightness notifications do

Why do Firefox and Thunderbird not use Notify OSD?

Use NotifyOSD with i3wm window manager

Full screen or more visible Skype, Pidgin, Empathy notifications?

Is it possible to block NotifyOSD for one application?

Electron apps show notify-osd notifications incorrectly [duplicate]

Notification appears on 'wrong' screen

notify-osd stops working after totem has been running for a while

Message overflow in notification bubble

How can you keep a record of notifications?

Change notification daemon on 14.04

No notifications from notify-osd on 13.10