Notification appears on 'wrong' screen

Work provides me with four large screens, which in Xinerama leads to a nice 5120 x 3200 pixel display (running Ubuntu classic, no animations).

All very nice indeed --- but the 'notifications' appear in the top right of the xinerama screen (display three out of four) when I'd rather have them in the top right of the 'main' screen 0. Can I control this placement?

A workaround for the bug, suggested in comment #104:

  • Install/Open dconf-editor

  • Navigate to /apps/notify-osd/multihead-mode

  • Change from the default dont-focus-follow to focus-follow

  • Log out and back in

Notifications will now show in the same monitor as the current active window.

notify-osd is supposed to show on your primary screen, unfortunately this bug is currently in the way.

It's currently targeted to be fixed as an update to natty, so unfortunately the best thing you can do right now is mark the bug as affecting you in Launchpad.

  • How do I subscribe to a bug?