Repeated keystrokes lost in Unity

I have strange bug. Sometimes after pressing any key on my keyboard while working in unity programs does not receives the event of pressing but in plain terminal(ctrl+alt+f1) keyboard works just well. Please tell me if somebody solve that problem?

It looks like if I quick press one key several times only first press works, but if I press the same key with time interval of one second so it works normally.

It sounds like you have the Bounce Keys accessibility feature turned on. This is intended to help people who have trouble using the keyboard without producing unwanted duplicate key presses, but is obviously not something you want or expect.

You probably enabled it accidentally via a special keyboard shortcut that I can't remember. It can be disabled through the following steps:

  1. Open the Universal Access control panel in System Settings.
  2. Switch to the Typing tab.
  3. Make sure the toggle under Bounce Keys is turned off.

In Unity, keyboard repeat by holding down a key stops working randomly it seems. When I go to keyboard settings, I find that "Key presses repeat when key is held down" is checked even though it acts as if it's not. However, if I uncheck and recheck, then the repeat feature works again. Unfortunately, I have to do this several times a day.

I think it could be a bug. I'm having the same issue, all switches are enabled but randomly "repeated keys" stop working. There is also a question issued about the topic in ubuntu launchpad :

Expanding on the reply to this thread: the problem is not 'bouncy keys'. I've had accessibility completely off-always- and have been able to replicate the poster's problem. It's actually a random ignoring /failure of the enabled keyboard repeating setting in gnome. Turning off and back on the keyboard repeat setting in gnome seems to have fixed the problems for me. But again, it's a temporary fix: the problem will happen again and it gets me very upset. So I created this simple bash file, and pinned it as a custom launcher. Then I thought, why not put it as a cron job to run every minute. This has fixed the problem for me.

# resets key repeat, a bug in unity
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/repeat false
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/repeat true

The fix mentioned by James Henstridge will fix the issue.

However, if you are on the settings dialog mentioned, the bounce keys option was off. When I turned it to 'on' and then switched it 'off' again, my keyboard started working as expected. I think this is a bug in the way the defaults are set up.