No notifications from notify-osd on 13.10

I recently upgraded to 13.10. Notify-OSD works correctly (notify-send test sends correctly the notification using gnome-shell style), but I'm not able to get notifications on volume up/down, next/previous track, brightness up/down, CD ejection events. This used to work on 13.04.

I'm using Gnome flashback session, this might me a part of the answer. Thank you.

Also, for the working notifications (like notify-send), the notification is drawn with a mix of Gnome3 and unity notification styles. That's quite ugly.

It seems to be caused by notification-daemon, which comes with gnome-flashback (but conflicts with notify-osd?). Unfortunately, the package can't be removed because it is a dependency of gnome-flashback.

Killing the process fixes the notification system, i.e. only notify-osd is used and volume up/down/mute shows a notification again.

killall /usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daemon

In order to prevent the notification-daemon to start at each gnome-fallback session, I edited the file /etc/xdg/autostart/notification-daemon.desktop. I changed the line:

AutostartCondition=GNOME3 unless-session gnome



Note that this is just a workaround. I think a bug report should be filled in launchpad for this, unless it can be fixed without manually editing a file provided by a package.