How to make firefox use notifyOSD?

I have a computer that has 10.04 installed on it. When I download something off the internet, NotifyOSD displays to say the download is complete (Firefox is using NotifyOSD).

I'm using 11.04 on another computer. When Firefox finishes downloading something it displays the "Firefox notifier" that pops up in the lower right corner of the monitor to tell me the download is complete (firefox is NOT using NotifyOSD).

Can this be fixed? I'd like for Firefox to use NotifyOSD on 11.04 like it is on 10.04.

The notify-osd functionality was provided by the third-party extension xul-ext-notify.

The firefox maintainers have discussed this on launchpad.

In summary - the maintainers of xul-ext-notify looks like they have abandoned the project. Canonical themselves will not support this integration. Thus unless someone steps forward, this capability will not be included in natty or future versions of Ubuntu.

You can use a modified version of Chromify-OSD, a Javascript that lets Firefox use notify-osd for notifications.

  1. Download Greasemonkey extension for Firefox.
  2. Download the Chromify-OSD script
  3. Download the NPAPI plugin and copy them to your ~/.mozilla/plugins/ folder and restart the browser.
  4. After all that, run the following command in a terminal:

    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Now, Firefox should be using notify-OSD for notifications.

Related question:

  • How to make Firefox use chromify-osd?