Is Ubuntu better on battery than other OS's? [duplicate]

Ubuntu uses more power on laptops than Windows 7 does, according to wikipedia. As wikipedia puts it: "Ubuntu has also been criticized for its poor battery life on Laptops and Netbooks, even as OEM on devices such as Asus's eeePC, when compared to Microsoft Windows 7, with Ubuntu having been shown to use between 14-56% more power. Ubuntu's developers have acknowledged and sought to solve the issues of power consumption in future releases."

However, to save battery life, some tricks are to turn down screen brightness, and when not needed, turn off WiFi or bluetooth. Hope this helps!

I think Ubuntu does use a little more battery on laptops for it has more CPU and device usage.

I find it useful to run powertop as root to cut down on unnecessary battery use. But I prefer not to keep those settings permanent as it might affect the system performance as a whole as I am using my laptop with power supply connected to it.