New posts in new-operator

Is there any reason to choose __new__ over __init__ when defining a metaclass?

Why doesn't delete destroy anything?

Is it possible to use a C++ smart pointers together with C's malloc?

How to allocate thread local storage?

JavaScript: using constructor without operator 'new'

JavaScript: The Good Parts - How to not use `new` at all

Why use GWT.create() instead of new?

Does new[] call default constructor in C++?

Are new and delete still useful in C++14?

What do braces after C# new statement do?

JavaScript difference between function and new function

delete[] an array of objects

Java: newInstance of class that has no default constructor

What is the difference between [Class new] and [[Class alloc] init] in iOS? [duplicate]

How does require work with new operator in node.js?

What is parsing in terms that a new programmer would understand? [closed]

The difference between virtual, override, new and sealed override

C++ Object without new

javascript: function call via constructor vs function call directly [duplicate]

Why there is no placement delete expression in C++?