Is there any reason to choose __new__ over __init__ when defining a metaclass?

If you want to alter the attributes dict before the class is created, or change the bases tuple, you have to use __new__. By the time __init__ sees the arguments, the class object already exists. Also, you have to use __new__ if you want to return something other than a newly created class of the type in question.

On the other hand, by the time __init__ runs, the class does exist. Thus, you can do things like give a reference to the just-created class to one of its member objects.

Edit: changed wording to make it more clear that by "object", I mean class-object.

You can see the full writeup in the official docs, but basically, __new__ is called before the new object is created (for the purpose of creating it) and __init__ is called after the new object is created (for the purpose of initializing it).

Using __new__ allows tricks like object caching (always returning the same object for the same arguments rather than creating new ones) or producing objects of a different class than requested (sometimes used to return more-specific subclasses of the requested class). Generally, unless you're doing something pretty odd, __new__ is of limited utility. If you don't need to invoke such trickery, stick with __init__.

Several differences, in fact.

For one thing, the first argument in __new__ and __init__ are not the same, which isn't helped by everyone just using, cls. Someone pointed this out and it's core to understanding the difference:

  • __new__ gets the metaclass - MyType in my example (remember the application-level class is not created yet). This is where you can alter bases (which can cause MRO resolution errors if you're not careful).

  • __init__ gets the newly-created application-level class, Bar and Foo and, by that time, this class's namespace has been populated, see cls_attrib in example below.

Sample code:

class Mixin:

class MyType(type):

    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs):
        print("  MyType.__new__.mcls:%s" % (mcls))

        if not Mixin in bases:
            #could cause MRO resolution issues, but if you want to alter the bases
            #do it here
            bases += (Mixin,)

        #The call to super.__new__ can also modify behavior:
        #                                   👇 classes Foo and Bar are instances of MyType
        return super(MyType, mcls).__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs)

        #now we're back to the standard `type` 
        #doing this will neuter most of the metaclass behavior, __init__ wont
        #be called.                         👇
        #return super(MyType, mcls).__new__(type, name, bases, attrs)

    def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        print("  MyType.__init__.cls:%s." % (cls))

        #I can see attributes on Foo and Bar's namespaces
        print("    %s.cls_attrib:%s" % (cls.__name__, getattr(cls, "cls_attrib", None)))
        return super().__init__(name, bases, attrs)

print("\n Foo class creation:")
class Foo(metaclass=MyType):

print("\n bar class creation:")
class Bar(Foo):
    #MyType.__init__ will see this on Bar's namespace
    cls_attrib = "some class attribute"


 Foo class creation:
  MyType.__new__.mcls:<class '__main__.test.<locals>.MyType'>
  MyType.__init__.cls:<class '__main__.test.<locals>.Foo'>.

 Bar class creation:
  MyType.__new__.mcls:<class '__main__.test.<locals>.MyType'>
  MyType.__init__.cls:<class '__main__.test.<locals>.Bar'>.
    Bar.cls_attrib:some class attribute

As has been said, if you intend to alter something like the base classes or the attributes, you’ll have to do it in __new__. The same is true for the name of the class but there seems to be a peculiarity with it. When you change name, it is not propagated to __init__, even though, for example attr is.

So you’ll have:

class Meta(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr):
        name = "A_class_named_" + name
        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attr)

    def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr):
        print "I am still called '" + name + "' in init"
        return super(Meta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attr)

class A(object):
    __metaclass__ = Meta

print "Now I'm", A.__name__


I am still called 'A' in init
Now I'm A_class_named_A

This is important to know, if __init__ calls a super metaclass which does some additional magic. In that case, one has to change the name again before calling super.__init__.