What does "a woman of mean understanding" mean?

In the end of the first chapter of Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice, Mrs. Bennet is described as a "woman of mean understanding". On the Web, I found two meanings:

  1. of little knowledge
  2. bad temper

Can someone clarify the meaning of "mean understanding" in my context?

It means of “of common understanding”: she didn’t understand much. The OED gives:

II Inferior in rank or quality.

2a. Of persons, their rank or station: Undistinguished in position; of low degree; often opposed to noble or gentle. (Cf. common adj. 12).) Obs.

But the citations date up through the 19th century, so it was not yet “obsolete” in the time of Jane Austen.

Frankly, I’m not sure I would mark it obsolete so much as literary.