New posts in new-operator

add element to ruby array return new array

Why new keyword not needed for String

What does "new int(100)" do?

Allocating struct with variable length array member

When is #include <new> library required in C++?

What does new() mean?

How serious is the new/delete operator mismatch error?

Will new operator return NULL? [duplicate]

What does the new keyword do under the hood?

What are uses of the C++ construct "placement new"?

When to use new and delete

C# to Java - Dictionaries?

Print in new line, java

Differences between new Integer(123), Integer.valueOf(123) and just 123

Can the C++ `new` operator ever throw an exception in real life?

new() without delete() is Undefined Behavior or merely Memory Leak? [duplicate]

Use new keyword if hiding was intended

How to initialize members in Go struct

Will new return NULL in any case?

In Ruby, what's the relationship between 'new' and 'initialize'? How to return nil while initializing?