How to initialize members in Go struct

You just need a constructor. A common used pattern is

func NewSyncMap() *SyncMap {
    return &SyncMap{hm: make(map[string]string)}

In case of more fields inside your struct, starting a goroutine as backend, or registering a finalizer everything could be done in this constructor.

func NewSyncMap() *SyncMap {
    sm := SyncMap{
        hm: make(map[string]string),
        foo: "Bar",

    runtime.SetFinalizer(sm, (*SyncMap).stop)

    go sm.backend()

    return &sm

The solution of 'Mue' doesn't work since the mutex is not initialized. The following modification works:

package main

import "sync"

type SyncMap struct {
        lock *sync.RWMutex
        hm map[string]string

func NewSyncMap() *SyncMap {
        return &SyncMap{lock: new(sync.RWMutex), hm: make(map[string]string)}

func (m *SyncMap) Put (k, v string) {
        defer m.lock.Unlock()[k] = v

func main() {
    sm := NewSyncMap()
    sm.Put("Test", "Test")

Good catch by deamon. Mue was possibly thinking of the more common pattern of including the lock as a value rather than a pointer. Since the zero value of a Mutex is a ready-to-use unlocked Mutex, it requires no initialization and including one as a value is common. As a further simplification, you can embed it by omitting the field name. Your struct then acquires the method set of the Mutex. See this working example, Also I took out the use of defer. To some extent it's a matter of preference and coding style, but since it does have a small overhead, I tend not to use it in small functions, especially if there is no conditional code.