New posts in modular-forms

Is there a general way to prove series and products are modular?

Whats the difference between modular forms of different levels?

Counting points on the Klein quartic

Show that $\prod\limits_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(1-q^{6n})(1-q^n)^2}{(1-q^{3n})(1-q^{2n})}=\sum\limits_{n=-\infty}^\infty q^{2n^2+n}-3q^{9(2n^2+n)+1}$.

Converting an infinite product to sum; Ramanujan $\tau$ function

A theta function around its natural boundary

Connection between Hecke operators and Hecke algebras

Hecke operators on modular forms

Hypergeometric formulas for the Rogers-Ramanujan identities?

A modular equation of 19th degree of Dedekind’s $\eta$ function.

What are applications of number theory in physics?

Number of zeroes of a modular form on $\Gamma_0(N)$ on fundamental domain

Representations of a ternary quadratic form, modular forms of wheight 3/2 and Eisenstein series

Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction in terms of Jacobi theta functions?

Proofs with strong approximation theorem

An infinite product for $\left(\frac{\eta(13\tau)}{\eta(\tau)}\right)^2$?

Ideal of cusp forms for $\Gamma_0(4)$ is principal

Good description of orbits of upper half plane under $SL_2 (Z)$

Does the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction $R(q)$ satisfy this conjectured infinite series

How to prove that $\frac{\eta^{14}(q^4)}{\eta^{4}(q^8)}=4\eta^4(q^2)\eta^2(q^4)\eta^4(q^8)+\eta^4(q)\eta^2(q^2)\eta^4(q^4)$?